Friday, March 5, 2010

Fiance Brain

I would like to tell you all about a little something my friend termed as "fiance brain." Jeff and I have been engaged for about 2 months. The first month was blissful... twitterpaited, lovey and excited about everything. Then it "hit" us... the awfulness of being engaged. Fiance brain is something that happens in the brain when engaged. I have lost my keys, locked them in the car, forgotten homework, forgotten appointments and many other things. I have never been like this.. I always get my homework done on time. I never lose my keys. I think that was the first time I ever locked them in the car. Oh man... I dunno if anyone else has experienced this but please let me know. Does it get better after your married? I am going insane!


  1. Yes, everything gets better after you're married. Trust me. I HATED being engaged and lost my mind a few times too. However, it happens again when you're pregnant and I'm hoping that my brain will someday return... :)

    However, going to school while you're married sucks. People treat you super weird and every yapping 18 year old gossiping about her roommates making out with every boy gets WAY more annoying.

  2. It took you until getting engaged to have those things happen? That happens on a regular basis in the mind of Amanda. i cannot even imagine how I am going to be when I am a fiance if it gets worse. OH NO. But I am sure it will be fine for you your brain will come back, if not then you can always plead stupid, thats what I do.
